Private Shopping Trip

Private Shopping Trip

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CA$ 19.99
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CA$ 19.99
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We know there are a lot of furry guys who prefer the company of people over other furry guys, but they should still be able to shop at their favourite store without worrying about running into another furry guy! We offer a dog-free experience for any of our furry VIPs who are dog reactive or would just enjoy their shopping trip more if it were solo!

Our Private Shopping Trips are booked appointments for up to 30 minutes outside of our regular hours so you can have the whole store to yourself to let your furry guy shop in peace! Bookings are available through our website and require a booking fee to reserve your spot. Your booking fee is applied as a credit to your purchase during your Private Shopping Trip. Booking fees are non-refundable so be sure to choose a time that will work for you and your furry guy.

Once you've booked your Private Shopping Trip, we will ensure you and your furry guy are the only ones in the store. We will open the store outside of regular hours and the door will be locked during your trip to ensure no other furry guys enter. You will have 30 minutes of shopping time prior to our store opening, so you'll want to be on time as we will need to open the store on time for other customers.

In order to secure your reservation, all questions must be completed as we need to properly prepare in order to provide your furry guy the best experience. You are allowed to bring up to two dogs that know each other to our Private Shopping Trips and they must be on a leash at all times during their visit.

We know that going into public places can be overwhelming for some furry guys but we still want to provide the option for all furry guys to enjoy an outing without incident. We are pleased to be able to provide a shopping experience for both you and your furry family with our Private Shopping Trips.

The boring but necessary fine print:

  • Private Shopping Trips reservation fees are non-refundable if appointments are missed
  • Reservation fees are applied to any purchase made. Refunds are not provided if the reservation fee exceeds the purchase amount.
  • You are still responsible for the safety of your dog(s) during Private Shopping Trips and all dogs must remain on leash during the trip
  • We will take your direction upon meeting your dog. If they are not comfortable around strangers, we will stay behind the counter and interact with you so as not to overwhelm the dog.
  • We will give you treats to give your dog during their visit if they are not comfortable with strangers.
  • Though we want to interact with all of our furry guests, we understand this may make some dogs uncomfortable and in an effort to keep your dog's visit enjoyable, we may ignore the dog on your direction so their trip is as comfortable as possible.